Monday, December 19, 2011

Hardware Selections

Selecting hardware when you are selling your home can be a daunting task. Why spend an arm and a leg when you will not be around to appreciate the beauty? Will the new homeowners see the value in your expensive hardware? Eehh...probably not. (unless they happen to be a design junkie) Let's find a happy balance...

First recommendation would be mixing in the bin pull. (Unless you have a contemporary kitchen of course). And when it comes to finish, remember if you are selling, now is not the time to make your big design statement. I would stick to safe yet stylish.

For white cabinets, I think the chrome will have greater longevity over the brushed nickel look.
This one (above) from Atlas Hardware can be purchased at Home Depot for approx $8.50 ea .   
 Since they are somewhat pricey, put them on special cabinetry, like below. maybe just on the center island drawers instead of all of the drawers.

Victoria Hagan's kitchen via Architectural Digest

The brass is FABULOUS however probably not a good selection for the larger market when selling.
 If you have some brass elements that you need to play down instead of replacing, I would suggest mixing in a hammered brass or copper, playing up the "modern country" as much as you can. These are much more expensive too, therefore, weigh out the cost of replacing dated brass (I'm not saying all brass is dated, I'm talking about those Builder special light fixtures from the 90's) vs. integrating more brass into the space.

Contemporary kitchens won't be able to "pull' off the bin pulls. :) So, my next pick is the steel bar pull

These GORGEOUS kitchens are designed by Martensen Jones Interiors. I seriously die over most everything in their portfolio so please check it out if you haven't already. Similar pulls can be found at Home Depot here.
These pulls work well with any cabinet finish where you have a shaker style or flat front door. You can also do the bronze version which is pretty fabulous on these cabinets...

Image via

And next of course we have the basic cabinet pull. The catch with these is that I suggest the simple designs, no fancy little carvings or shapes, just simple and classic. I happen to like these oil rubbed bronze knobs:

And for $.97 cents, you cant beat it! Find them on sale here
And then of course there's the trusty silver family. I will say that even in the most stunning kitchen, these still work like a charm. Aren't convinced? Look how Candice Olson can rock a classic knob....
I think the dark counters with the dark knobs are good choice.

On a very limited budget, we selected this hardware on these gray cabinets for
a model home and they worked out great.

We'd love to have your input so feel free to share your favorites (on a selling budget of course) 
happy selling !!

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